Studies on Indoor Air Pollution: 7. Indoor Plants and Air Borne Bacteria

Document Type : Original Article


Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, 41522 Ismailia, Egypt


This research is a trial to demonstrate a range of capacities of some indoor plants to improve indoor air
quality (IAQ) through their role in reducing total number of indoor microbiome. Besides to improve oxygen content and
unipolarity coefficient factor (UCF). Plant materials were Aspidistra elatior; Chlorophytum comosum; Dracaena
fragrans; Dracaena marginata; Epipremnum aureus and Syngonium podophyllum. Results revealed that the higher
impact of plants on the bacteria was observed with Dracaena marginata plant and the less impact to Dracaena fragrans
plant. Oxygen percentage and UCF were higher with the presence of indoor plants than those in control treatment.
